
Physical setup

Full-sized herbarium sheets

Cryptogam envelopes


Switch on large LED lamps. Note that they seem to take a full minute to get to maximum brightness and whiteness.

Camera (Canon EOS 5D Mk IV)


Set lens focus manually

Running the script

Tweaking the shutter speed

The only parameter in the script which may need tweaking is the camera’s shutter speed. In general we want the minimum possible aperture, to give maximum depth-of-field, so to adjust exposure we might tweak the shutter speed. Because the specimen and camera are unmoving and quite stable, we can use long shutter speeds (down to 1/2 second). If you need to try a longer shutter speed to get more brightness, edit the SHUTTER=... value on line ~16. Allowable values are in camera_options.txt file, near the bottom. Some possible values: 24 = 1/8, 26 = 1/13, 28 = 1/20, 32 = 1/50, 35 = 1/100.


You may find sometimes that the script returns some garbled message about not finding an image. The camera can get ‘locked’ by the script in certain situations and be unable to take an exposure. The surest way to get out of this ‘lock’ is to switch off the camera, unplug the camera USB, quit the script (Control-C), close the Terminal window, and start the process again.