The data model

The Arctos data model

This is an overview of the Arctos data model, with key tables, and how some of the key data elements appear in the flat table. It is not a full ER diagram, more a map of the territory. The diagram is also available as a PDF with clickable links to the relevant table documentation in Arctos.

Arctos structure


The diagram was made with GraphViz. Source.

Mapping ALA physical objects to Arctos data model

(In the following, Arctos concepts are in bold type, physical objects or concepts are in italic type, and identifiers are in monospaced type)

ALA mapping to Arctos structure


Using the above model, the following should be true:

  1. Each GUID should have a single ALAAC (note: unique ALAACs are not enforced by Arctos)
  2. Rarely, each GUID and ALAAC may have one or more barcodes
  3. Rarely, a single barcode may be associated with more than one GUID and ALAAC

Anny cases of multiple ALAAC for a single GUID should be investigated and duplicate records deleted. Because cases (2) and (3) above are rare, they should be checked manually.